Selasa, 02 Desember 2008

According to geographic

1. Mesopotamia
-found the first number for the first time
-found the heavy system and measure system
-they had knew aspect of mathematic like zero concept and division the circle into 360 degrees

2. Babilonia
-use the system of decimal and phi=3,125
founder the calculate for the first time
knew geometry as the basic of astronomy calculation
-use approximation for quadrate root
-their geometry have an algebra character
-their arithmetica develop well became rhetorical algebra, can solve quadratic similarity

3. Egypt
-had knew formulas to calculate the wide and volume
-knew the system of number and symbol
knew triple Pythagoras (right angle)
knew the theorem of Pythagoras

4. Greek
Pythagoras proved the theorem of Pythagoras through mathematical (the best)
Diophantus founded arithmetica
just knew rational and positive answers; he has estimation for zero and escape from negative coefficient
was born the sphere trigonometry

5. India
-Aryabhata f
ounded the relation of circle circumference
-strike theory "stanam stanam gunam"
: the basic of modern decimal theory
found the negative number
zero number used as marker of the empty space

6. China
knew the character of triangle
the power of old mathematic
located in algebra
used the negative number long time before other culture

Minggu, 30 November 2008


I want to tell about Pythagoras and his contributions.

Pythagoras is a mathematician and philosopher of Yunani who the most famous with his theorem.

Known as “Father of Number”, he gave the important contribution into mathematic and philosophy in the last 6th century BC.

His life and his teaching were not clearly because many false stories about himself.

Pythagoras was born about 572 BC in Samos Island, but then leave his hometown and go to Crotona in South Italia. In there, he established a school or Pythagoras teaching, which is an academy to study the philosophy of mathematic and science. According to a note, Pythagoras might died because had been killed in old age between 75 up to 80.

Pythagoras group considered that every mathematic finding as together fortune, although must to keep it secretly from foreign person.

The teaching of Pythagoras have an oral character, and because this group usually for return all finding to the establisher (Pythagoras), so it is difficult to know which is mathemathic finding by Pythagoras own or others in this group.

-Pythagoras arithmetica

Once upon a time, Iamblicus, the Neoplatonis philosopher that influence about 320 BC, appointed Pythagoras as founder of friendly numbers or amicable numbers.

-Theorem of Pythagoras

One of Pythagoras contribution that well-known is Pythagoras theorem, said that hipotenusa quadratic from right triangle is same with the sum quadrate of foots.

Although the fact in this theorem was knew before Pythagoras born, like people of Babilonia at Hamurabi period was knew 1000 years ago, but this theorem given to Pythagoras. This case because he is the best and the first that could prove this theorem mathematically.

Jumat, 28 November 2008

The figures of mathematics

  • Thales. He is the first figure that found the theorem. He was also found applied knowledge.
  • Pythagoras. He is the first figure who said that axiom of postulates need to analysed before, if we want to expand the geometry. He was successfull prove the theorem Pythagoras the first and the best.
  • Eodoxus. He had made the definition about approximate length of irrational number with cross multiplying method.
  • Archimedes. He could applicate the mathematics. He is interest in pure mathematics : number, geometry, count the wide of geometry shapes.
  • Diophantus. He had wrote "Arithmetica", it contains of expanding the algebra that he did with make some similarity.
  • Al Khawarizmi. The great work are at algebra and astronomy. The algebra had been started from definition the principle of number and gave the solutions. Six chapters which he was wrote consist of six kinds similarity included three kinds operation : root, quadrate, and number.
  • Fibonacci. Expanded the zero number and count the patterns of nature which was unusual, even gave the basic of introducing algebra to Western Countries. He found the row of number that called like his own name : Fibonacci row = 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377, ...
  • John Napier. He found the basic concept of logarithm.
  • Rene Descartes. He was connected algebra ang geometry.
  • Isaac Newton. The idea of calculus is from him.
  • Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier. He studied about trigonometry and theory function of real variable.


Let me introduce myself. My name is Nevi Narendrati. I'm student of mathematic education subject, in Yogyakarta State University. After I had choose this subject, I given the lesson that its called the history of mathematic, once a week.
History is a story that happened in the past time. Maybe the word 'history' has other meaning, but its definition is based of my mind.
So please, lets study the history of mathematic together here.