Selasa, 02 Desember 2008

According to geographic

1. Mesopotamia
-found the first number for the first time
-found the heavy system and measure system
-they had knew aspect of mathematic like zero concept and division the circle into 360 degrees

2. Babilonia
-use the system of decimal and phi=3,125
founder the calculate for the first time
knew geometry as the basic of astronomy calculation
-use approximation for quadrate root
-their geometry have an algebra character
-their arithmetica develop well became rhetorical algebra, can solve quadratic similarity

3. Egypt
-had knew formulas to calculate the wide and volume
-knew the system of number and symbol
knew triple Pythagoras (right angle)
knew the theorem of Pythagoras

4. Greek
Pythagoras proved the theorem of Pythagoras through mathematical (the best)
Diophantus founded arithmetica
just knew rational and positive answers; he has estimation for zero and escape from negative coefficient
was born the sphere trigonometry

5. India
-Aryabhata f
ounded the relation of circle circumference
-strike theory "stanam stanam gunam"
: the basic of modern decimal theory
found the negative number
zero number used as marker of the empty space

6. China
knew the character of triangle
the power of old mathematic
located in algebra
used the negative number long time before other culture

3 komentar:

x-zhue mengatakan...

ayooo smangat

anif.historyofmathematic mengatakan...

aura,your article is good, so continue to fight for the brightest of this nation.let fight together.

Nevi N mengatakan...

please give a comment in English . thank you :)