Selasa, 13 Januari 2009

The mathematics concepts, mathematics problems, and mathematics solutions

1. I found the mathematics concepts, mathematics problems or mathematics solutions in old period that nowadays still used, that are

a) Mathematics concepts
--zero number concept, which zero number concept found in old period. It was found for the first time in India, applied by Aryabhata. He was entered zero number in amount system, not only empty space. Then we still use zero number nowadays.
--negative number concept, the first introduced by Bragmaghypta, mathematician from India.
--irrational numbers. Pythagoreans found it. Although the root of two couldn’t realized even with fraction, but it’s used to found the side long of triangle.
--Pythagoras theorem. We still use it nowadays to find usually the aslant side of triangle, or the one side of triangle.
--calculus. It was developed almost together by Newton and Leibniz.

b) Mathematics solution
mathematics solution with descendent used rule to solve the limit functions that is L’hospital.

2. I found the mathematics concepts, mathematics problems or mathematics solution in old period which not used nowadays, that are

a) Mathematics concept
--Galileo show that each integer have only one perfect quadrate, and each perfect quadrate is quadrate of only one positive integer.

b) Mathematics solution
--in old period of Egypt, they were solve the broad or circumference of circle with π = 3,16. But nowadays we use π = 3,14.

3. I found the mathematics concepts, mathematics problems or mathematics solutions, which is no relation with mathematics in old period.

We find many mathematics problems nowadays, that is about solving mathematics problems used open-ended problems and open problems. We don’t know certainly the procedure to solve this problem. We may find many solutions for this problem.


Minggu, 11 Januari 2009

The results of study history of mathematics

Every people doing activities always have the purposes and results that they want to reached. It is like we read a book, our purpose is to expand our knowledge.
I’m study the history of mathematics, I search and collect information from some sources. The one is I got from the internet. Study result which I got are
Do you feel that calculus is difficult? Yes, I do.
We look the development of calculus. The calculus development can mentioned by 3 periods, that are ancient period, middle period, and modern period.
1. Ancient period
Some ideas about calculus integral was appear, but didn’t developed well and systematic. Archimedes develop idea about account volume (prominent function of calculus integral) farther and create ‘heuristic’ closed to calculus integral.
2. Middle period
The mathematician of India, Aryabhata, used unlimited small concept in 499 and expressioned astronomy problem in basic diferensial similarity. In this period, calculus develop more progressive than the ancient period.
3. Modern period
Independent discovery happened in beginning 17th century in Japan by mathematician like Seki Kowa. In Europe, mathematicians like John Wallis and Isaac Barrow give new innovation in calculus. In 1668 also James Gregory proved a specific problem from basic theorem of calculus. Leibniz and Newton are the contributor of calculus.
Since that time, many mathematicians that gave contributions to development of calculus. Calculus became the general topic in Senior High School and University nowadays. And mathematicians in the world give contribution to development of calculus continually.

The foundation of mathematics

The foundation of mathematics have two characteristics, that are constant and temporary.
1.The constant foundation, example: Geometry.
2.The temporary foundation, example: Epistimology foundation. Science that study the sources of knowledge.
Mathematics developed with contradiction and intuition.
It is about critical thinking. Synthetic a priory : we can think it although we never see it.
Mathematics is intuition. The figure is Brower. He is not taking any reason. Intuition is a place or framework: space and time. It means that our mind about mathematics stay in space and time.

The versions of mathematics are
1)Mathematics as system
2)Mathematics as structure
3)Mathematics as language
4)Mathematics as body of knowledge

Mathematics figure:
1.Plato, an idealist one. He said that mathematics is on our brain. Mathematics is given by God. Plato and Aristoteles were in contrary.
2.Aristoteles. He said that mathematics is in our experiences.
-Universal method. Elementary problem of knowledge philosophy is why we earn to make by mistakes.
-Inductive method. This method come from result of perception and research until universal method.
-Deductive method.This method is compare between theory and purpose.

Mr. Marsigit’s speech

Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009


John Brehaut Wallis was born in Ashford, Kent, November 22nd 1616, the third children or Reverend John Wallis and Joanna Chapman.
He began like mathematics when he 15 years old.
In 1655 Wallis published one of his book. In this book he wrote the curve and drawn as curve from the second degree.

The most important of his work is his Arithmetica Infinitorum, which was published in 1656. In there have any analysis methods from Descartes and Cavalieri that is systematic and very extensive, the reasonable instructions. This case that made this book as standard material and use continued by the next writers.
From this innovation he leave many applications algebra similarity, next continued to find the others method that didn’t separated.

Some years later, in 1659, Wallis published one level filled by the solution of problem that was suggestioned by Pascal. He said how the principals placed in his Arithmetica Infinitorum can used to correction of algebra curve; and give one problem solution to correction the parabol, that was founded by his student William Neil.

In 1685 Wallis published Algebra, previoused by subscribe histories from development the main material, filled by many value informations.
The second edition, published in 1693 and shape the second volume from his opera, with larger. This algebra is important like the systematic use of formulas.
A mulberry that given here representatived by kwantitative comparison which bring to unit about the same kind of mulberry.

Wallis’s life was to create many works, and up to he was died in October 28th 1703.
