Selasa, 13 Januari 2009

The mathematics concepts, mathematics problems, and mathematics solutions

1. I found the mathematics concepts, mathematics problems or mathematics solutions in old period that nowadays still used, that are

a) Mathematics concepts
--zero number concept, which zero number concept found in old period. It was found for the first time in India, applied by Aryabhata. He was entered zero number in amount system, not only empty space. Then we still use zero number nowadays.
--negative number concept, the first introduced by Bragmaghypta, mathematician from India.
--irrational numbers. Pythagoreans found it. Although the root of two couldn’t realized even with fraction, but it’s used to found the side long of triangle.
--Pythagoras theorem. We still use it nowadays to find usually the aslant side of triangle, or the one side of triangle.
--calculus. It was developed almost together by Newton and Leibniz.

b) Mathematics solution
mathematics solution with descendent used rule to solve the limit functions that is L’hospital.

2. I found the mathematics concepts, mathematics problems or mathematics solution in old period which not used nowadays, that are

a) Mathematics concept
--Galileo show that each integer have only one perfect quadrate, and each perfect quadrate is quadrate of only one positive integer.

b) Mathematics solution
--in old period of Egypt, they were solve the broad or circumference of circle with π = 3,16. But nowadays we use π = 3,14.

3. I found the mathematics concepts, mathematics problems or mathematics solutions, which is no relation with mathematics in old period.

We find many mathematics problems nowadays, that is about solving mathematics problems used open-ended problems and open problems. We don’t know certainly the procedure to solve this problem. We may find many solutions for this problem.


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